Ear Acupuncture, Esztergom - Diet (Natural therapy) 1 clinics' services (2 Naturopathic doctor, 1 Acupuncturist, 1 Homeopathic doctor, 1 Kinesiologist)
Description, questions
Ear on the surface of our body is a small projection (copy) is located so that all of our bodies is an appropriate point in her ear cup, which stimulation of healing effect exerted by the relevant body.
GranMed Szakorvosi Rendelő
Internist Gastroenterologist Naturopathic doctor Dietetic Acupuncturist Cardiologist Nephrologist Oncologist Pulmonologist Homeopathic doctor Kinesiologist Diabetologist
2500 Esztergom, Irinyi J. u. 26.